
box full of magic

I like to cook.
Foodie? Perhaps. But not that elitist restaurant foodie that doesn't actually spend time in his own kitchen. I get down and dirty, making things from scratch - after traveling to multiple markets to gather my ingredients. It is seemingly impossible to find everything I need in one place.

My newest secret?
Membership to a local CSA. Every Tuesday I have the privilege of picking up a stunning assortment of local, organic produce from Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative. How can you say no to supporting local farms, eating healthy, and saving money? Each week's share breaks down to less than $30.
We're still living off that massive 6lb cabbage. 

Organic popcorn on the cob? Not only delicious, fun too!

The challenge of using what's on hand is exhilarating. What do you do with six small heirloom aubergines? Chioggia beets?
Eat them, that's what.

And now, blog about it.
I'm horrid at remembering to take photos of what happens in the kitchen, though I'm hoping the new iPhone will remedy that. Granted, I did already miss this morning's chicken, arugula, goat cheese omelet with herbed cauliflower croquettes and french breakfast radishes.

You live and you learn.

Maybe you'll see dinner later. It's already marinating...

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