
faux paws

catercorner \KAT-ee-kor-ner\

adverb or adjective: in a diagonal or oblique position : kitty-corner

I am now horrified that I've been spelling this incorrectly for years. I've been putting pussies in catercorner nooks and didn't even have the decency to know I was pawing a solecism.


tumble with me

ludic \LOO-dik\

adjective: of, relating to, or characterized by play : playful

Blonde hair makes me quite the ludic little frolicker.


kiss my arse

adulation \aj-uh-LAY-shun\

noun: excessive or slavish admiration or flattery

Adulatory worship isn't my box of socks, so I choose to keep my witty criticisms to a select audience.


when they think you're not looking

prescind \prih-SIND\

verb: to withdraw one's attention

We've been affected. Blogger has forced our hand to prescind yesterday's word: cacography. That's like word terrorism on word terrorism.


kissing cousins


1 : nearness of blood : kinship 2 : nearness in place or time : proximity

All the people who bitch about gay marriage probably have a tad too much propinquity in their family trees.


strung out


1 : to hem in 2 : to make a circuit around 3 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem

I am so tired and wound up from today, I'd love to skip this blog but I can't find a clever way to circumvent the process.