
lame programming

lymphatic \lim-FAT-ik\

1 a : of, relating to, or produced by lymph, lymphoid tissue, or lymphocytes b : conveying lymph 2 : lacking physical or mental energy : sluggish

Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's cancer day. I should be emphatically encouraging you to check out with your doctor if you're feeling chronically lymphatic. But really, just grow up and stop eating trash.



gam \GAM\

1 : to have a visit or friendly conversation with 2 : to spend or pass (as time) talking

Because I was up gamming all night, I missed yesterday's posting.


stick it to me, hard

stiction \STIK-shun\

noun: the force required to cause one body in contact with another to begin to move

The friction from the stiction made for one wild night.



heyday \HAY-day\

noun: the period of one's greatest popularity, vigor, or prosperity

I think I'd prefer to announce my heyday posthumously. Once you proclaim you're at the top, you have a long way to fall - unless you're already safely secure and shrouded.


horsing around

gambol \GAM-bul\

verb: to skip about in play : frisk, frolic

I'm in the mood to gambol and gamble in Las Vegas.


golden nectar

elixir \ih-LIK-ser\

1 a : a substance held to be capable of changing metals into gold b : a substance held to be capable of extending life c : cure-all d : a medicinal concoction 2 : a sweetened usually alcoholic liquid

I need to find a me- specific elixir. It was gin-based for awhile, but I feel like there needs to be additional experimentation. Whiskey is a viable candidate.


beach hopping

Cook's tour \COOKS-TOOR\
noun: a rapid or cursory survey or review

A Cook's tour of the Cook Islands sounds like a fine time, but a chef's tour may be more enjoyable.