
catch me if you can

aubade \oh-BAHD\
noun1 : a song or poem greeting the dawn 2 a : a morning love song b : a song or poem of lovers parting at dawn 3 : morning music

abnegate \AB-nih-gayt\
verb1 : deny, renounce 2 : surrender, relinquish

rabble \RAB-ul\
noun1 : a disorganized or confused collection of things 2 a : a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : mob b : the lowest class of people

critique \kruh-TEEK\
noun: an act of criticizing; especially : a critical estimate or discussion

I've been slipping. My daily critique of the world has been stifled and mashed into a rabble of sorts in an effort to catch up. Hopefully I've done my part and we can now return to our daily musings and dictionary inspired aubades.


doggie style

mutt \MUT\

1 : a stupid or insignificant person : fool 2 : a mongrel dog : cur

You must be a mutt to need mutt as your word of the day.


bow before me fools

vade mecum \vay-dee-MEE-kum\

1 : a book for ready reference : manual 2 : something regularly carried about by a person

Four hundred years from now, they'll be carrying The Final Testament of the Holy Bible by James Frey like the vade mecum it deserves to be.