
math, food, and musings

It's Pi Day.
Happens to be Steak & Blowjob Day, too. Which makes fabulous, though heavily caloric, dinner plans. For next year, I propose instead of pi pie, a celebration on Euclidean geometries with 3.14159 scoops of ice cream on a cone. (Although most documentation has been lost, Euclid was one of the first mathematicians to develop conic sections.) Though pie is a beautiful thing, ask anyone who's had my Thanksgiving feasts, it seems a too-simple answer to the Pi day comestibles.

As for the other half of today's holiday happenings, I can't entirely buy-in because of my pragmatic view of Valentine's Day. The tit-for-tat attitude that because chocolates were exchanged on February 14th, cow products and sexual favors are due a month later, seems asinine. If you weren't able to swindle a steak dinner and some good sex on Valentine's, chances are you aren't getting any ass today either.

I'm content with my part in today's jovialities, as it gave me a fanciful quest to roam about the city, but someone else should be concerned with not getting their fair share. Unbeknownst to him, the clock has struck midnight and I'm about to curl up like a pumpkin in bed. Hopefully he's battened on the epicurean steak sandwich (with balsamic caramel baby carrots and roasted garlic/shallot smashed potatoes) and is surfeited with such delicacies. 

More on my wanderings about town tomorrow...

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