accident \AK-suh-dunt\
1 a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity : chance
2 : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance
3 : a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance
It's no accident I wake with the striped shirt tangled around me. I sleep with it religiously every night; staring at the stitching, repeated over and over, alternating colors, calms my mind when the dreams refuse to come.
recalcitrant \rih-KAL-suh-trunt\
1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
2 a : difficult to manage or operate b : not responsive to treatment c : resistant
My body is a recalcitrant fortress, certainly no temple. Even two tablets in, there's no sleep to be had.
1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
2 a : difficult to manage or operate b : not responsive to treatment c : resistant
My body is a recalcitrant fortress, certainly no temple. Even two tablets in, there's no sleep to be had.
agog \uh-GAHG\
adjective: full of intense interest or excitement : eager
Fuck being agog about anything.
adjective: full of intense interest or excitement : eager
Fuck being agog about anything.
push it
satiety \suh-TYE-uh-tee\
1 : the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit, fullness
2 : the revulsion or disgust caused by overindulgence or excess
The trick is to convince yourself of satiety before the satiation hits. Or just lose your mind and believe you can live off apples. Either way deception is necessary for beauty.
1 : the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit, fullness
2 : the revulsion or disgust caused by overindulgence or excess
The trick is to convince yourself of satiety before the satiation hits. Or just lose your mind and believe you can live off apples. Either way deception is necessary for beauty.
stamp me
validate \VAL-uh-dayt\
1 a : to make legally valid : ratify b : to grant official sanction to by marking c : to confirm the validity of (an election); also : to declare (a person) elected
2 a : to support or corroborate on a sound or authoritative basis b : to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of
I need validation. I get it from the wrong places and I know it. But I don't know how to change it.
1 a : to make legally valid : ratify b : to grant official sanction to by marking c : to confirm the validity of (an election); also : to declare (a person) elected
2 a : to support or corroborate on a sound or authoritative basis b : to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of
I need validation. I get it from the wrong places and I know it. But I don't know how to change it.
oh well
putative \PYOO-tuh-tiv\
1 : commonly accepted or supposed
2 : assumed to exist or to have existed
It's the putative theory that girls are emotional and attached I wanted to dispel. I'm failing.
1 : commonly accepted or supposed
2 : assumed to exist or to have existed
It's the putative theory that girls are emotional and attached I wanted to dispel. I'm failing.
get naked
bon vivant \bahn-vee-VAHNT\
noun: a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially in respect to food and drink
This bon vivant is off to burlesque.
noun: a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially in respect to food and drink
This bon vivant is off to burlesque.
lunette \loo-NET\
1 a : something that has the shape of a crescent or half-moon: as b : an opening in a vault especially for a window c : the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting d : a low crescentic mound (as of sand) formed by the wind
2 : the figure or shape of a crescent moon
The lunette glow of the Cheshire cat moon is the only thing I believe in. Even though Juliet disapproves.
1 a : something that has the shape of a crescent or half-moon: as b : an opening in a vault especially for a window c : the surface at the upper part of a wall that is partly surrounded by a vault which the wall intersects and that is often filled by windows or by mural painting d : a low crescentic mound (as of sand) formed by the wind
2 : the figure or shape of a crescent moon
The lunette glow of the Cheshire cat moon is the only thing I believe in. Even though Juliet disapproves.
girls girls girls
cachinnate \KAK-uh-nayt\
verb: to laugh loudly or immoderately
With all the hype about HBO's Girls, I expected it to be enjoyable. Not necessarily something to cachinnate over but damn. That was like the most depressing thing I could have done tonight.
verb: to laugh loudly or immoderately
With all the hype about HBO's Girls, I expected it to be enjoyable. Not necessarily something to cachinnate over but damn. That was like the most depressing thing I could have done tonight.
mind boggle
abstruse \ub-STROOSS\
adjective: difficult to comprehend
Living on the east coast was not nearly as abstruse as coming back to Tucson. This is so confusing.
adjective: difficult to comprehend
Living on the east coast was not nearly as abstruse as coming back to Tucson. This is so confusing.
i disagree with the phonetics
spiel \SPEEL\
noun: a voluble line of often extravagant talk : a speech delivered especially to sell or promote something
So many people feel the need to give me the "better now than later" spiel, but it doesn't help. Time is all I wanted with him. I would give what's left of me for a few more weeks, even a few more days by his side.
noun: a voluble line of often extravagant talk : a speech delivered especially to sell or promote something
So many people feel the need to give me the "better now than later" spiel, but it doesn't help. Time is all I wanted with him. I would give what's left of me for a few more weeks, even a few more days by his side.
patagium \puh-TAY-jee-um\
1 : the fold of skin connecting the forelimbs and hind limbs of some tetrapods (as flying squirrels)
2 : the fold of skin in front of the main segments of a bird's wing
Captivated as I was by my furry friends in Independence Park, I never noticed one to have any type of patagium. Perhaps flying squirrels and their more ambulatory kin don't share social circles.
1 : the fold of skin connecting the forelimbs and hind limbs of some tetrapods (as flying squirrels)
2 : the fold of skin in front of the main segments of a bird's wing
Captivated as I was by my furry friends in Independence Park, I never noticed one to have any type of patagium. Perhaps flying squirrels and their more ambulatory kin don't share social circles.
books books books
unabashed \un-uh-BASHT\
adjective: not disconcerted : undisguised, unapologetic
I'm unabashedly grateful for the Pima county library system. Without which I would not be able to survive.
adjective: not disconcerted : undisguised, unapologetic
I'm unabashedly grateful for the Pima county library system. Without which I would not be able to survive.
kowtow \KOW-tow\
1 : to show obsequious deference : fawn
2 : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect
Given the chance, I'd kowtow to hear you say cow tail.
1 : to show obsequious deference : fawn
2 : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect
Given the chance, I'd kowtow to hear you say cow tail.
pace \PAY-see\
preposition: contrary to the opinion of — usually used as an expression of deference to someone's contrary opinion
Pace everyone who says I'll be ok, I'm not. I've lost an integral part of myself and don't know how to function anymore.
preposition: contrary to the opinion of — usually used as an expression of deference to someone's contrary opinion
Pace everyone who says I'll be ok, I'm not. I've lost an integral part of myself and don't know how to function anymore.
isn't in me
vindicate \VIN-duh-kayt\
1 a : avenge
2 a: to free from allegation or blame b : confirm, substantiate c : to provide justification or defense for : justify d : to protect from attack or encroachment : defend 2 : to maintain a right to
Everyone seems to think I would be vindicated to hate you. That anger should come from my pain. I can't. It's just not in me to feel that way about you. I'd be lying to myself if I went down that path.
1 a : avenge
2 a: to free from allegation or blame b : confirm, substantiate c : to provide justification or defense for : justify d : to protect from attack or encroachment : defend 2 : to maintain a right to
Everyone seems to think I would be vindicated to hate you. That anger should come from my pain. I can't. It's just not in me to feel that way about you. I'd be lying to myself if I went down that path.
gregarious \grih-GAIR-ee-us\
1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship: sociable c : of or relating to a social group
2 a a of a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b : living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony — used especially of wasps and bees
No one has ever accused me of being the gregarious type. Perhaps there's not a colony that I belong to out there.
1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship: sociable c : of or relating to a social group
2 a a of a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b : living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony — used especially of wasps and bees
No one has ever accused me of being the gregarious type. Perhaps there's not a colony that I belong to out there.
starting over
threshold \THRESH-hohld\
1 : the section of wood or stone that lies under a door
2 a : the means or place of entry : entrance b : the place or point of beginning
3 : the point or level at which a physical or mental effect begins to be produced
I've been here before, I know what it looks like. But this time it's unwelcome and full of pain. I can't be at the threshold of a new beginning if I'm still spiraling into the abyss.
1 : the section of wood or stone that lies under a door
2 a : the means or place of entry : entrance b : the place or point of beginning
3 : the point or level at which a physical or mental effect begins to be produced
I've been here before, I know what it looks like. But this time it's unwelcome and full of pain. I can't be at the threshold of a new beginning if I'm still spiraling into the abyss.
alleviate \uh-LEE-vee-ayt\
1 a : relieve, lessen: as b : to make (as suffering) more bearable c : to partially remove or correct
Psychopharmacology began alleviating our suffering in 1954 with Thorazine. In 2012, they give it to you for hiccups. But there's still to pill to cure a broken heart.
1 a : relieve, lessen: as b : to make (as suffering) more bearable c : to partially remove or correct
Psychopharmacology began alleviating our suffering in 1954 with Thorazine. In 2012, they give it to you for hiccups. But there's still to pill to cure a broken heart.
hyphenate \HYE-fuh-nayt\
noun: a person who performs more than one function (as a producer-director in filmmaking)
Just as the producer-filmmaker fulfills multiple roles, so does the married hyphenate née maiden.
noun: a person who performs more than one function (as a producer-director in filmmaking)
Just as the producer-filmmaker fulfills multiple roles, so does the married hyphenate née maiden.
i like it rare
incunabulum \in-kyuh-NAB-yuh-lum\
1 : a book printed before 1501
2 : a work of art or of industry of an early period
I always loved the incanabula and illuminated manuscripts in the UofA special collections. I wanted to explore the rare book department at the Free Library off the parkway. It would have been enchanting to see one of Shakespeare's first folios.
1 : a book printed before 1501
2 : a work of art or of industry of an early period
I always loved the incanabula and illuminated manuscripts in the UofA special collections. I wanted to explore the rare book department at the Free Library off the parkway. It would have been enchanting to see one of Shakespeare's first folios.
bad girls win
devious \DEE-ve-us\
adjective1 : deviating from a straight line : roundabout 2 : behaving wrongly : errant 3 : tricky, cunning; also : deceptive.
Of all the things I'd like to be, good or bad, I choose devious.
adjective1 : deviating from a straight line : roundabout 2 : behaving wrongly : errant 3 : tricky, cunning; also : deceptive.
Of all the things I'd like to be, good or bad, I choose devious.
reptile turncoat
resile \rih-ZYLE\
verb: recoil, retract; especially : to return to a prior position
I'm not comfortable resiling which causes a problem when I'm actually wrong.
verb: recoil, retract; especially : to return to a prior position
I'm not comfortable resiling which causes a problem when I'm actually wrong.
not today
multitudinous \mul-tuh-TOO-duh-nus\
1 : including a multitude of individuals
2 : existing in a great multitude
3 : existing in or consisting of innumerable elements or aspects
knee-jerk \NEE-jerk\
adjective: readily predictable : automatic; also : reacting in a readily predictable way
After multitudinous knee-jerk reactions to my situation, I'm still here. I know rash decisions won't get me home. Though I can't say I'm content in my exile.
1 : including a multitude of individuals
2 : existing in a great multitude
3 : existing in or consisting of innumerable elements or aspects
knee-jerk \NEE-jerk\
adjective: readily predictable : automatic; also : reacting in a readily predictable way
After multitudinous knee-jerk reactions to my situation, I'm still here. I know rash decisions won't get me home. Though I can't say I'm content in my exile.
demarcate \dih-MAHR-kayt\
1 : to fix or define the limits of : delimit 2 : to set apart : distinguish
Today I thought the end was near. Evidently I fucked up when those boundaries were demarcated too.
1 : to fix or define the limits of : delimit 2 : to set apart : distinguish
Today I thought the end was near. Evidently I fucked up when those boundaries were demarcated too.
sharp cheddar top
pippin \PIP-in\
1 : a crisp tart apple having usually yellow or greenish-yellow skin strongly flushed with red and used especially for cooking 2 : a highly admired or very admirable person or thing
It's true: Pippins are exceptional cooking apples. I prefer them to Rome and Granny Smith varieties, but often find them a bit more laborious to find.
1 : a crisp tart apple having usually yellow or greenish-yellow skin strongly flushed with red and used especially for cooking 2 : a highly admired or very admirable person or thing
It's true: Pippins are exceptional cooking apples. I prefer them to Rome and Granny Smith varieties, but often find them a bit more laborious to find.
mermaid hair
oppugn \uh-PYOON\
1 : to fight against 2 : to call in question
As the salmon swims upstream, I too feel it necessary to oppugn that which faces me.
1 : to fight against 2 : to call in question
As the salmon swims upstream, I too feel it necessary to oppugn that which faces me.
élan \ay-LAHN\
noun: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
There's a certain élan necessary for getting to the gym at dawn. In nine hours we shall see if I possess it.
noun: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
There's a certain élan necessary for getting to the gym at dawn. In nine hours we shall see if I possess it.
stop talking
secrete \sih-KREET\
1 : to deposit or conceal in a hiding place 2 : to appropriate secretly : abstract
fallacious \fuh-LAY-shus\
1 : embodying a fallacy 2 : tending to deceive or mislead : delusive
When your mouth opens to secrete fallacious arguments, please realize I don't care and no, you can't get into van Gogh early. Even if you do pronounce it "van Goccchhhhh."
Especially if you pronounce it "van Goccchhhhh."
1 : to deposit or conceal in a hiding place 2 : to appropriate secretly : abstract
fallacious \fuh-LAY-shus\
1 : embodying a fallacy 2 : tending to deceive or mislead : delusive
When your mouth opens to secrete fallacious arguments, please realize I don't care and no, you can't get into van Gogh early. Even if you do pronounce it "van Goccchhhhh."
Especially if you pronounce it "van Goccchhhhh."
grand un-opening
instauration \in-staw-RAY-shun\
1 : restoration after decay, lapse, or dilapidation 2 : an act of instituting or establishing something
In purchasing a foreclosure, I was prepared for a serious instauration. Two and a half years later, I'm still waiting for it to be complete.
1 : restoration after decay, lapse, or dilapidation 2 : an act of instituting or establishing something
In purchasing a foreclosure, I was prepared for a serious instauration. Two and a half years later, I'm still waiting for it to be complete.
nothing left to give
nugatory \NOO-guh-tor-ee\
1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential 2 : having no force : inoperative
What's left of my brain after 16 hours in the ticket center is nugatory.
1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential 2 : having no force : inoperative
What's left of my brain after 16 hours in the ticket center is nugatory.
quietus \kwye-EE-tus\
1 : final settlement (as of a debt) 2 : removal from activity; especially : death 3 : something that quiets or represses
The magic words "sold out" should put the quietus on any grumblings about getting spex tickets. Unfortunately it only inspires the masses to goad you and make sure I'll "look harder."
1 : final settlement (as of a debt) 2 : removal from activity; especially : death 3 : something that quiets or represses
The magic words "sold out" should put the quietus on any grumblings about getting spex tickets. Unfortunately it only inspires the masses to goad you and make sure I'll "look harder."
silicone smiles
winsome \WIN-sum\
1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence 2 : cheerful, lighthearted
Though winsome in nature, I can be a bitch in more plastic environments.
1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence 2 : cheerful, lighthearted
Though winsome in nature, I can be a bitch in more plastic environments.
twins not always double the fun
diplopia \dih-PLOH-pee-uh\
noun: a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are seen because of unequal action of the eye muscles — called also double vision
Do you think those with diplopia don't take as many tomatoes from the salad bar as they'd like? Maybe the two dozen roses on Valentine's day makes up for it.
noun: a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are seen because of unequal action of the eye muscles — called also double vision
Do you think those with diplopia don't take as many tomatoes from the salad bar as they'd like? Maybe the two dozen roses on Valentine's day makes up for it.
hamster wheel
immense \ih-MENSS\
1 : marked by greatness especially in size or degree; especially : transcending ordinary means of measurement 2 : supremely good
There are says my life is unmarked by immense boredom. My face begins to feel how much it hasn't spoken, but there is very little of consequence to say.
Today was one of those days.
Which would be fine, except that I have to do it all over again tomorrow.
1 : marked by greatness especially in size or degree; especially : transcending ordinary means of measurement 2 : supremely good
There are says my life is unmarked by immense boredom. My face begins to feel how much it hasn't spoken, but there is very little of consequence to say.
Today was one of those days.
Which would be fine, except that I have to do it all over again tomorrow.
yuppify \YUP-uh-fye\
verb: to make appealing to yuppies; also : to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies
Not sure things can be yuppified any more than they already are. I'm starving for some counter-culture.
verb: to make appealing to yuppies; also : to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies
Not sure things can be yuppified any more than they already are. I'm starving for some counter-culture.
back on it
abeyance \uh-BAY-unss\
1 : a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested 2 : temporary inactivity : suspension
My master plan for daily gym trips was in abeyance but I have now successfully made the transition to pre-work workouts which give me no excuse for failure.
1 : a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested 2 : temporary inactivity : suspension
My master plan for daily gym trips was in abeyance but I have now successfully made the transition to pre-work workouts which give me no excuse for failure.
see the forest for the bark
bosky \BAH-skee\
1 : having abundant trees or shrubs 2 : of or relating to a woods
I've always wanted to live in a bosky environment, but part of me will always understand gravel as a front lawn.
1 : having abundant trees or shrubs 2 : of or relating to a woods
I've always wanted to live in a bosky environment, but part of me will always understand gravel as a front lawn.
livelong \LIV-lawng\
adjective: whole, entire
All the livelong day I think about sex. It gets me in trouble.
adjective: whole, entire
All the livelong day I think about sex. It gets me in trouble.
in the mouth
viva voce \vye-vuh-VOH-see\
adverb: by word of mouth : orally
There will be no viva voce vote on oral matters. Some things speak for themselves.
adverb: by word of mouth : orally
There will be no viva voce vote on oral matters. Some things speak for themselves.
truth in advertising
noun: exposition, explanation; especially : an explanation or critical interpretation of a text
One day there'll be an exegesis of my rambling, incoherent blogs.
noun: exposition, explanation; especially : an explanation or critical interpretation of a text
One day there'll be an exegesis of my rambling, incoherent blogs.
plethora of problems
1 a : yielding something abundantly
b : plentiful in number
2 a : full of thought, information, or matter
b : profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style
3 : present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale
Despite copious amounts of free time yesterday, I couldn't log on to blogger to write. Stupid airport wi-fi.
1 a : yielding something abundantly
b : plentiful in number
2 a : full of thought, information, or matter
b : profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style
3 : present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale
Despite copious amounts of free time yesterday, I couldn't log on to blogger to write. Stupid airport wi-fi.
catch me if you can
aubade \oh-BAHD\
noun1 : a song or poem greeting the dawn 2 a : a morning love song b : a song or poem of lovers parting at dawn 3 : morning music
abnegate \AB-nih-gayt\
verb1 : deny, renounce 2 : surrender, relinquish
rabble \RAB-ul\
noun1 : a disorganized or confused collection of things 2 a : a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : mob b : the lowest class of people
critique \kruh-TEEK\
noun: an act of criticizing; especially : a critical estimate or discussion
I've been slipping. My daily critique of the world has been stifled and mashed into a rabble of sorts in an effort to catch up. Hopefully I've done my part and we can now return to our daily musings and dictionary inspired aubades.
noun1 : a song or poem greeting the dawn 2 a : a morning love song b : a song or poem of lovers parting at dawn 3 : morning music
abnegate \AB-nih-gayt\
verb1 : deny, renounce 2 : surrender, relinquish
rabble \RAB-ul\
noun1 : a disorganized or confused collection of things 2 a : a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : mob b : the lowest class of people
critique \kruh-TEEK\
noun: an act of criticizing; especially : a critical estimate or discussion
I've been slipping. My daily critique of the world has been stifled and mashed into a rabble of sorts in an effort to catch up. Hopefully I've done my part and we can now return to our daily musings and dictionary inspired aubades.
doggie style
mutt \MUT\
1 : a stupid or insignificant person : fool 2 : a mongrel dog : cur
You must be a mutt to need mutt as your word of the day.
1 : a stupid or insignificant person : fool 2 : a mongrel dog : cur
You must be a mutt to need mutt as your word of the day.
bow before me fools
vade mecum \vay-dee-MEE-kum\
1 : a book for ready reference : manual 2 : something regularly carried about by a person
Four hundred years from now, they'll be carrying The Final Testament of the Holy Bible by James Frey like the vade mecum it deserves to be.
1 : a book for ready reference : manual 2 : something regularly carried about by a person
Four hundred years from now, they'll be carrying The Final Testament of the Holy Bible by James Frey like the vade mecum it deserves to be.
faux paws
catercorner \KAT-ee-kor-ner\
adverb or adjective: in a diagonal or oblique position : kitty-corner
I am now horrified that I've been spelling this incorrectly for years. I've been putting pussies in catercorner nooks and didn't even have the decency to know I was pawing a solecism.
adverb or adjective: in a diagonal or oblique position : kitty-corner
I am now horrified that I've been spelling this incorrectly for years. I've been putting pussies in catercorner nooks and didn't even have the decency to know I was pawing a solecism.
tumble with me
ludic \LOO-dik\
adjective: of, relating to, or characterized by play : playful
Blonde hair makes me quite the ludic little frolicker.
adjective: of, relating to, or characterized by play : playful
Blonde hair makes me quite the ludic little frolicker.
kiss my arse
adulation \aj-uh-LAY-shun\
noun: excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
Adulatory worship isn't my box of socks, so I choose to keep my witty criticisms to a select audience.
noun: excessive or slavish admiration or flattery
Adulatory worship isn't my box of socks, so I choose to keep my witty criticisms to a select audience.
when they think you're not looking
prescind \prih-SIND\
verb: to withdraw one's attention
We've been affected. Blogger has forced our hand to prescind yesterday's word: cacography. That's like word terrorism on word terrorism.
verb: to withdraw one's attention
We've been affected. Blogger has forced our hand to prescind yesterday's word: cacography. That's like word terrorism on word terrorism.
kissing cousins
1 : nearness of blood : kinship 2 : nearness in place or time : proximity
All the people who bitch about gay marriage probably have a tad too much propinquity in their family trees.
1 : nearness of blood : kinship 2 : nearness in place or time : proximity
All the people who bitch about gay marriage probably have a tad too much propinquity in their family trees.
strung out
1 : to hem in 2 : to make a circuit around 3 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem
I am so tired and wound up from today, I'd love to skip this blog but I can't find a clever way to circumvent the process.
1 : to hem in 2 : to make a circuit around 3 : to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem
I am so tired and wound up from today, I'd love to skip this blog but I can't find a clever way to circumvent the process.
lame programming
lymphatic \lim-FAT-ik\
1 a : of, relating to, or produced by lymph, lymphoid tissue, or lymphocytes b : conveying lymph 2 : lacking physical or mental energy : sluggish
Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's cancer day. I should be emphatically encouraging you to check out with your doctor if you're feeling chronically lymphatic. But really, just grow up and stop eating trash.
1 a : of, relating to, or produced by lymph, lymphoid tissue, or lymphocytes b : conveying lymph 2 : lacking physical or mental energy : sluggish
Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's cancer day. I should be emphatically encouraging you to check out with your doctor if you're feeling chronically lymphatic. But really, just grow up and stop eating trash.
gam \GAM\
1 : to have a visit or friendly conversation with 2 : to spend or pass (as time) talking
Because I was up gamming all night, I missed yesterday's posting.
1 : to have a visit or friendly conversation with 2 : to spend or pass (as time) talking
Because I was up gamming all night, I missed yesterday's posting.
stick it to me, hard
stiction \STIK-shun\
noun: the force required to cause one body in contact with another to begin to move
The friction from the stiction made for one wild night.
noun: the force required to cause one body in contact with another to begin to move
The friction from the stiction made for one wild night.
heyday \HAY-day\
noun: the period of one's greatest popularity, vigor, or prosperity
I think I'd prefer to announce my heyday posthumously. Once you proclaim you're at the top, you have a long way to fall - unless you're already safely secure and shrouded.
noun: the period of one's greatest popularity, vigor, or prosperity
I think I'd prefer to announce my heyday posthumously. Once you proclaim you're at the top, you have a long way to fall - unless you're already safely secure and shrouded.
horsing around
gambol \GAM-bul\
verb: to skip about in play : frisk, frolic
I'm in the mood to gambol and gamble in Las Vegas.
verb: to skip about in play : frisk, frolic
I'm in the mood to gambol and gamble in Las Vegas.
golden nectar
elixir \ih-LIK-ser\
1 a : a substance held to be capable of changing metals into gold b : a substance held to be capable of extending life c : cure-all d : a medicinal concoction 2 : a sweetened usually alcoholic liquid
I need to find a me- specific elixir. It was gin-based for awhile, but I feel like there needs to be additional experimentation. Whiskey is a viable candidate.
1 a : a substance held to be capable of changing metals into gold b : a substance held to be capable of extending life c : cure-all d : a medicinal concoction 2 : a sweetened usually alcoholic liquid
I need to find a me- specific elixir. It was gin-based for awhile, but I feel like there needs to be additional experimentation. Whiskey is a viable candidate.
beach hopping
Cook's tour \COOKS-TOOR\
noun: a rapid or cursory survey or review
A Cook's tour of the Cook Islands sounds like a fine time, but a chef's tour may be more enjoyable.
noun: a rapid or cursory survey or review
A Cook's tour of the Cook Islands sounds like a fine time, but a chef's tour may be more enjoyable.
rainbow brite was my bitch
bright-line \BRYTE-lyne\
adjective: providing an unambiguous criterion or guideline especially in law
There needs to be a brite-line rule about adults wearing cartoon paraphernalia. No one over the age of 12 should be buying Rainbow Brite underoos, nor should Hot Topic carry them.
adjective: providing an unambiguous criterion or guideline especially in law
There needs to be a brite-line rule about adults wearing cartoon paraphernalia. No one over the age of 12 should be buying Rainbow Brite underoos, nor should Hot Topic carry them.
deadly with feathery things
arbalest \AHR-buh-list\
noun: a crossbow especially of medieval times
I didn't have a chance to get pictures of the arbalests in the Arms & Armor collection at work. Too busy with first night of Van Gogh!
noun: a crossbow especially of medieval times
I didn't have a chance to get pictures of the arbalests in the Arms & Armor collection at work. Too busy with first night of Van Gogh!
diamonds were supposed to be forever
loath \LOHTH\
adjective: unwilling to do something contrary to one's way of thinking : reluctant
I am loath to buy my wedding bands from Safian & Rudolph, as I loathe the fact that my engagement ring is constantly breaking. Resized twice, lost stones, loose stones and I have nightmares about it!
adjective: unwilling to do something contrary to one's way of thinking : reluctant
I am loath to buy my wedding bands from Safian & Rudolph, as I loathe the fact that my engagement ring is constantly breaking. Resized twice, lost stones, loose stones and I have nightmares about it!
intercalate \in-TER-kuh-layt\
1 : to insert (as a day) in a calendar 2 : to insert between or among existing elements or layers
I wish blogger had an intercalating feature with which I could insert the day I missed. January 18 really screwed up my record. :(
1 : to insert (as a day) in a calendar 2 : to insert between or among existing elements or layers
I wish blogger had an intercalating feature with which I could insert the day I missed. January 18 really screwed up my record. :(
don't drink the [dirty] water
contaminate \kun-TAM-uh-nayt\
1 a : to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association b : to make inferior or impure by admixture 2 : to make unfit for use by the introduction of unwholesome or undesirable elements
My Facebook feed is contaminated by mindless idiots. Coincidentally, by the same mindless idiots that are contaminating the gene pool. Tie those tubes, bitches!
1 a : to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association b : to make inferior or impure by admixture 2 : to make unfit for use by the introduction of unwholesome or undesirable elements
My Facebook feed is contaminated by mindless idiots. Coincidentally, by the same mindless idiots that are contaminating the gene pool. Tie those tubes, bitches!
one bad ovum
yegg \YEG\
noun: safecracker; also : robber
Sometimes you've got to crack a few yeggs before you can devour the yolky insides of the safe.
noun: safecracker; also : robber
Sometimes you've got to crack a few yeggs before you can devour the yolky insides of the safe.
leonine \LEE-uh-nyne\
adjective: of, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion
Oliver, even on his best of days, is hardly capable of a leonine growl. He leans more toward A Brr-like whine.
adjective: of, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion
Oliver, even on his best of days, is hardly capable of a leonine growl. He leans more toward A Brr-like whine.
world pain
weltschmerz \VELT-shmairts\
noun, often capitalized
1 : mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state 2 : a mood of sentimental sadness
As the world is doused in tons of cold correctional fluid, I find myself in a state of Weltschmerz, missing my CSA and the ability to leave the house without losing toes.
noun, often capitalized
1 : mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state 2 : a mood of sentimental sadness
As the world is doused in tons of cold correctional fluid, I find myself in a state of Weltschmerz, missing my CSA and the ability to leave the house without losing toes.
darling \DAHR-ling\
1 : a dearly loved person 2 : favorite
Honestly, my darling, I don't give a fig.
1 : a dearly loved person 2 : favorite
Honestly, my darling, I don't give a fig.
puffy fussy
fustian \FUSS-chun\
1 : a strong cotton and linen fabric 2 : high-flown or affected writing or speech; broadly : anything high-flown or affected in style
I greatly anticipate spring and a switch to fustian jackets from these oppressive down overcoats.
1 : a strong cotton and linen fabric 2 : high-flown or affected writing or speech; broadly : anything high-flown or affected in style
I greatly anticipate spring and a switch to fustian jackets from these oppressive down overcoats.
repel pellets
graupel \GROU-pul\
noun: granular snow
Such an inappropriate word for the day's weather. I'm certainly not ungrateful - the clouds can keep all the graupel, hail, sleet, and snow they'd like.
noun: granular snow
Such an inappropriate word for the day's weather. I'm certainly not ungrateful - the clouds can keep all the graupel, hail, sleet, and snow they'd like.
sequins and shit
ostensible \ah-STEN-suh-bul\
1 : intended for display : open to view 2 : being such in appearance : plausible rather than demonstrably true or real
The ostensible purpose for the ostrich's plumage is to attract a flashy mate, but he was actually an asexual Elvis impersonating bird that found a Bedazzler for cheap on Craigslist.
1 : intended for display : open to view 2 : being such in appearance : plausible rather than demonstrably true or real
The ostensible purpose for the ostrich's plumage is to attract a flashy mate, but he was actually an asexual Elvis impersonating bird that found a Bedazzler for cheap on Craigslist.
stamp it out
xylography \zye-LAH-gruh-fee\
noun: the art of making engravings on wood especially for printing
Though I always preferred working with linoleum, I'm sure there are some prints made by way of xylography at my new office.
noun: the art of making engravings on wood especially for printing
Though I always preferred working with linoleum, I'm sure there are some prints made by way of xylography at my new office.
not another miller
crucible \KROO-suh-bul\
1 : a vessel in which metals or other substances are heated to a very high temperature or melted 2 : a severe test 3 : a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development
I'd pay a pretty galleon for a crucible bought on Diagon Alley. It might just be the perfect crucible to be a crucible on those damned OWL potions crucibles.
1 : a vessel in which metals or other substances are heated to a very high temperature or melted 2 : a severe test 3 : a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development
I'd pay a pretty galleon for a crucible bought on Diagon Alley. It might just be the perfect crucible to be a crucible on those damned OWL potions crucibles.
the test of time
thole \THOHL\
verb: endure
Evidently today's mot du jour has tholed centuries of use. Though I can't say I have ever stumbled upon it before.
verb: endure
Evidently today's mot du jour has tholed centuries of use. Though I can't say I have ever stumbled upon it before.
fringed peepers
valorous \VAL-uh-russ\
1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : courageous 2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : heroic
My valorous action of the day? Putting on fake lashes for no reason-the individual kind even! Okay, so it wasn't the courageousness Adler would have written home about, but I'll bet he never cemented faux furs close to his eyeballs.
1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : courageous 2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : heroic
My valorous action of the day? Putting on fake lashes for no reason-the individual kind even! Okay, so it wasn't the courageousness Adler would have written home about, but I'll bet he never cemented faux furs close to his eyeballs.
granola nostalgia
kudos \KOO-dahss\
1 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige 2 : praise given for achievement
First, who the fuck knew it was pronounced "koodahs"?!!!!!?? All these years I've been rhyming it with No-Doz.
Second, does anyone still eat Kudos bars? I feel like I haven't seen one since seventh grade.
1 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige 2 : praise given for achievement
First, who the fuck knew it was pronounced "koodahs"?!!!!!?? All these years I've been rhyming it with No-Doz.
Second, does anyone still eat Kudos bars? I feel like I haven't seen one since seventh grade.
hold on, holy see
defer \dih-FER\
1 : put off, delay 2 : to postpone induction of (a person) into military service
In an attempt to defer research on newly named bishops, the Vatican deferred to Wikipedia to jazz up some holy bios.
1 : put off, delay 2 : to postpone induction of (a person) into military service
In an attempt to defer research on newly named bishops, the Vatican deferred to Wikipedia to jazz up some holy bios.
not that
noun: a person who spends improvidently or wastefully
It seems a bit counterintuitive that a spendthrift is not one who spends thriftily.
noun: a person who spends improvidently or wastefully
It seems a bit counterintuitive that a spendthrift is not one who spends thriftily.
mordant \MOR-dunt\
1 : biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive 2 : burning, pungent
It wasn't precious, it was mordant - of course they had to take it to Mordor.
1 : biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive 2 : burning, pungent
It wasn't precious, it was mordant - of course they had to take it to Mordor.
I <3 books
tome \TOHM\
1 : a volume forming part of a larger work 2 : book; especially : a large or scholarly book
Last year I read over 20,000 pages. Nearly 1000 were wasted on the Game of Thrones tome.
1 : a volume forming part of a larger work 2 : book; especially : a large or scholarly book
Last year I read over 20,000 pages. Nearly 1000 were wasted on the Game of Thrones tome.
throw away the key
calaboose \KAL-uh-booss\
noun: jail; especially : a local jail
Those little scheming kids need to knock it off with the eggs lest they wind up in the parochial calaboose.
noun: jail; especially : a local jail
Those little scheming kids need to knock it off with the eggs lest they wind up in the parochial calaboose.
epithet \EP-uh-thet\
1 : a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing 2 : a disparaging or abusive word or phrase 3 : the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus
Epithet has become a #2 definition of itself. Reclaim positivity, epithet! You don't have to be only racial slurs and misogynistic brickbats.
1 : a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing 2 : a disparaging or abusive word or phrase 3 : the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus
Epithet has become a #2 definition of itself. Reclaim positivity, epithet! You don't have to be only racial slurs and misogynistic brickbats.
muff dive in
headlong \HED-LAWNG\
adverb1 : with the head foremost 2 : without deliberation : recklessly 3 : without pause or delay
Santorum's headlong rush to combat the savagery of his surname only causes a frothy interest in the neologism.
adverb1 : with the head foremost 2 : without deliberation : recklessly 3 : without pause or delay
Santorum's headlong rush to combat the savagery of his surname only causes a frothy interest in the neologism.
thou shalt not
1 : of or relating to a church parish 2 : limited in range or scope (as to a narrow area or region) : provincial, narrow
Whilst ambling to the gym, one must avoid the notice of the parochial schoolchildren lest you be pelted with eggs.
Pictures of yolky sidewalks to follow!
1 : of or relating to a church parish 2 : limited in range or scope (as to a narrow area or region) : provincial, narrow
Whilst ambling to the gym, one must avoid the notice of the parochial schoolchildren lest you be pelted with eggs.
Pictures of yolky sidewalks to follow!
before the clock strikes
An underused noun for someone who reports.
Ever the genius, Merriam Webster.
An underused noun for someone who reports.
Ever the genius, Merriam Webster.
resolutions be damned
With the bright idea of posting a daily blog inspired by the word of the day, I am undermined on day one.
Today's word: incommunicado
Which means I've blogged far more than necessary today.
Today's word: incommunicado
Which means I've blogged far more than necessary today.
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