
gods be with us

Apollonian \ap-uh-LOH-nee-un\

1 : of, relating to, or resembling the god Apollo 2 : harmonious, measured, ordered, or balanced in character

Forget hedonistic. There's nothing I wouldn't give for an Apollonian life.



ramify \RAM-uh-fye\

1 : to split up into branches or constituent parts 2 : to send forth branches or extensions 3 : to cause to branch

There are things I can't remember and moments I wish to forget. In bed with princess hair and my protector, the thoughts ramble and ramify, leaving me confused. Where do I go for the piece I lost?

I lay here wondering if I'm missed.


heart beat tremors

My mind races and my hands shake. I wonder why I'm here and know there are no answers. Will my lies tomorrow carry me through like they did today?
If they don't, do you have another pill for me to swallow? Another rabbit hole to fall through?
Am I falling or floating?
Either way, I'm barely treading water and hate to swim. I sleep perchance to dream. Afraid of what dreams may come. I don't know what's real or in my mind anymore.
Or if the difference even matters.