
I <3 books

tome \TOHM\

1 : a volume forming part of a larger work 2 : book; especially : a large or scholarly book

Last year I read over 20,000 pages. Nearly 1000 were wasted on the Game of Thrones tome.


throw away the key

calaboose \KAL-uh-booss\

noun: jail; especially : a local jail

Those little scheming kids need to knock it off with the eggs lest they wind up in the parochial calaboose.



epithet \EP-uh-thet\

1 : a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing 2 : a disparaging or abusive word or phrase 3 : the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus

Epithet has become a #2 definition of itself. Reclaim positivity, epithet! You don't have to be only racial slurs and misogynistic brickbats.


muff dive in

headlong \HED-LAWNG\
adverb1 : with the head foremost 2 : without deliberation : recklessly 3 : without pause or delay

Santorum's headlong rush to combat the savagery of his surname only causes a frothy interest in the neologism.


thou shalt not

1 : of or relating to a church parish 2 : limited in range or scope (as to a narrow area or region) : provincial, narrow

Whilst ambling to the gym, one must avoid the notice of the parochial schoolchildren lest you be pelted with eggs.
Pictures of yolky sidewalks to follow!


before the clock strikes


An underused noun for someone who reports.

Ever the genius, Merriam Webster.


resolutions be damned

With the bright idea of posting a daily blog inspired by the word of the day, I am undermined on day one.

Today's word: incommunicado

Which means I've blogged far more than necessary today.