
lost time

nothing can be remembered clearly
concisely explained
all documents are unable to be recovered

my mind is elsewhere caught in a past that might have never existed

you were there
experiences alike
recollections diametrically opposed
even if my only want was to be safe in your shadow

now I'm exposed in sight solitary screaming
no echoes answers help dialogue

somedays I can breathe
somedays I can sleep
somedays I won't recall

I am not sure if I should
I can't find a way out up over beyond through 
the only truth is I cannot stay

if only there were no bruises 
blood above the surface 
sticky slick red violet wet drip flood ebb

cliché lie false impression unsmiling eyes psychotic grin titter laugh wink lie assurance promise lie regret

I've known regret before I was given the word


There are entire days I don't know where I've been. Convinced the abandoned don't know about being lost, only know about being forgotten. 
But surely they are the true immortals. 
For as long as we remember that we can forget

that the only constant is the presence of the unknown

the absence outlives us all. 
Small comfort that brings. Sarcasm, 
dripping off me thick and deceptive honey, blurs the blinding emptiness. Until I can believe beyond where I can see, my mortality is the only reality, regal as the desert night and more alone. 
A nothing not even the heartiest of rockeaters can devour. 
When the nothing is everything
When the lost is forever
When I hate being the only one in the world 
Where the reflection is missing and who I am dissolves from who you want me to be
is when I know I'm alive. Je pense
I don't know how to answer questions with the responses that could be true. All I can do is continue performing, though no one warned me I wouldn't get a single rehearsal. No one warned me I was auditioning for the role. 
Not one raised an eyebrow I'm sorry, closed set.

So now, I say my lines to the script memorized long ago. The motions are predestined. My eyes squint, blind lighthouses scanning the stage for an exit sign knowing full well I can't leave until after the curtain call. 
If you see me beneath this costume, under this spell, please. please
grab my hand
pull me beyond the fourth wall caging me in
take me to a place I recall from a dream
remember me 
let my immortality exist in your mind for the person I am. Not the one you can't remember to not forget. 

I don't know how I got here or if I'm allowed to leave.


debate team barbie

orotund \OR-uh-tund\ adjective1 : marked by fullnessstrength, and clarity of sound : sonorous 
2 :pompousbombastic 

My dreams feature a beautiful, captivating presence, gregarious and orotund in speech. 

I don't know that girl. 



nonpareil \nahn-puh-REL\ adjectivehaving no equal 

This emptiness is nonpareil. Every pebble I find to toss into chasm becomes dust in the valley. For a brief moment it's as if that small seed will complete me, fill me, but after the adrenaline wears off, I'm still empty. 


chained in the dungeon

dudgeon \DUJ-un\ noun: a fit or state of indignation 

I'd complain that your advances are leaving me in high dudgeon, but I'm enjoying the torture far too much. 



efflorescence \ef-luh-RESS-unss\ noun1 a : the action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower b : an instance of such development c : fullness of manifestation : culmination 2 : the period or state of flowering 3 : the process or product of efflorescing chemically 

Most days I wonder if we all get a period of efflorescence. Or if maybe I just wasn't dealt that card. 

Could it be there were extra jokers in my deck?


broke bitch

Ass still broken. Hurts to sit. Fuck all aspects of my life. 


bruise pristine

fustigate \FUSS-tuh-gayt\

1 : to beat with or as if with a short heavy club 2 : to criticize severely

Someone fustigated me last night.


read everything

redaction \rih-DAK-shun\

1 a : an act or instance of preparing something for publication b : an act or instance of obscuring or removing something from a document prior to publication or release 2 : edition, version

The redactions are endless. The biggest mistake is reading too far into previous versions.



ceorl \CHAY-orl\

noun: a freeman of the lowest rank in Anglo-Saxon England

The man across from me, not you Korey, is the ultimate ceorl. Fucking dick.

high volume

verbose \ver-BOHSS\

1 : containing more words than necessary : wordy; also : impaired by wordiness 2 : given to wordiness

Can't sleep. Can't sleep.
My mind races through thoughts like a verbose dictator's rallying speech.



ceorl \CHAY-orl\

noun: a freeman of the lowest rank in Anglo-Saxon England

The man across from me, not you Korey, is the ultimate ceorl. Fucking dick.



lamia \LAY-mee-uh\

noun: a female demon

The lamia in me is coming out tonight. Fuck me please.



transpire \tran-SPYRE\

1 : to give off vaporous material; specifically : to give off or exude watery vapor especially from the surfaces of leaves 2 : to become known or apparent : develop 3 : to take place : go on, occur

Cascades of moss transpire ominous mists in my world's dark glades. Below the sycamore, the future is brewing.


brain lozenge

demulcent \dih-MULL-sunt\

adjective: soothing

Ignorance and 90s club bangers are demulcent bliss.
Oh yeah, and Purple Rain.


stray pieces

xenophobia \zen-uh-FOH-bee-uh\

noun: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign

My xenophobia is internal. I hate the parts of me I don't know but stumble across.

If one doesn't have a heart, how can it break in so many ways?



admonish \ad-MAH-nish\

1 a : to indicate duties or obligations to b : to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2 : to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to

I have no earnest advice.


no exit

milieu \meel-YOO\

noun: the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops : environment

The artificial milieu of the stage I've set desiccated under the harsh conditions of the atmosphere.
How am I still breathing.


thank you

doxology \dahk-SAH-luh-jee\

noun: a usually liturgical expression of praise to God

Tonight my doxology is internal. I should have known you'd be watching over me.


kitty loves

katzenjammer \KAT-sun-jam-er\

1 : hangover 2 : distress 3 : a discordant clamor

As much as I've been a katzenjammer in the last few days, I love my life tonight. Spicy chai while reading by the fire of the grill, with fiends and family listening to fantastic music and preparing dinner inside.



expunge \ix-SPUNJ\

1 : to strike out, obliterate, or mark for deletion 2 : to efface completely : destroy 3 : to eliminate (as a memory) from one's consciousness

So much has been expunged from my timeline and at the same time, not enough.



ephemeral \ih-FEM-uh-rul\

adjective: lasting a very short time

My confidence is flawed. Haltingly ephemeral. Though always enhanced by a well mixed drink.

handy job mandy

white elephant \WYTE-EL-uh-funt\

1 : a property requiring much care and expense and yielding little profit 2 : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to others 3 : something of little or no value

Trying to not live in a white elephant is more difficult that I had expected.

tripped trapped tickled + tossed

trousseau \TROO-soh\

noun: the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares

Ha! My trousseau has been trounced in triplicate. I can't keep up and most of me as given up in putting back the pieces.


shadows before chomsky

portend \por-TEND\

1 : to give an omen or anticipatory sign of 2 : indicate, signify

The silence portends the empty weeks I will fail to find anyone that twiddles my fancy.
I'll survive, or not, but either way. I need you to hold my paw.

do me

clamant \KLAY-munt\

1 : clamorous, blatant 2 : demanding attention : urgent

Clamant needs for physical attention are clouding my judgement.



intemperate \in-TEM-puh-rut\

adjective1 : not moderate or mild : severe 2 : lacking or showing lack of restraint 3 : given to excessive use of alcoholic beverages

I'm such an intemperate whore.


rough diamonds found in dirt

lackluster \LAK-luss-ter\

adjective: lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality : dull, mediocre

Too often my life feels unseemingly lackluster. It's time get beyond the murky patina and find the shining friends that brighten my days.


master of none

factotum \fak-TOH-tuhm\

1 : a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities 2 : a general servant

Yes, I am the factotum.


reptilian heart

sangfroid \SAHNG-FRWAH\

noun: self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain

You see me as this sangfroid, my resolution en française, never rattled and forever competent. The tremors inside me do not betray my confidence.


pass the catsup

eurytopic \yur-ih-TAH-pik\

adjective: tolerant of wide variation in one or more environmental factors

Most of us think we're sophisticated eurytopic beings, but when it comes down to it, we recoil in fear and hold dear to that which we've always known.

No wonder grilled cheese is experiencing such a renaissance.



nomothetic \nah-muh-THET-ik\

adjective: relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, general, or universal statements or laws

How much of me is my own and how much is my desire to defy the nomothetic stars?


magic, do what you may

gambit \GAM-bit\

1 : a chess opening in which a player risks minor pieces to gain an advantage 2 : a remark intended to start a conversation 3 : a calculated move

For once, it's nice not to have, or need, a gambit. All I want is for the nightmares to be punctuated by a breeze clearing the fallen leaves to make way for a path in the woods.


gods be with us

Apollonian \ap-uh-LOH-nee-un\

1 : of, relating to, or resembling the god Apollo 2 : harmonious, measured, ordered, or balanced in character

Forget hedonistic. There's nothing I wouldn't give for an Apollonian life.



ramify \RAM-uh-fye\

1 : to split up into branches or constituent parts 2 : to send forth branches or extensions 3 : to cause to branch

There are things I can't remember and moments I wish to forget. In bed with princess hair and my protector, the thoughts ramble and ramify, leaving me confused. Where do I go for the piece I lost?

I lay here wondering if I'm missed.


heart beat tremors

My mind races and my hands shake. I wonder why I'm here and know there are no answers. Will my lies tomorrow carry me through like they did today?
If they don't, do you have another pill for me to swallow? Another rabbit hole to fall through?
Am I falling or floating?
Either way, I'm barely treading water and hate to swim. I sleep perchance to dream. Afraid of what dreams may come. I don't know what's real or in my mind anymore.
Or if the difference even matters.


the old ways

doctrine of signatures \DAHK-trun-uv-SIG-nuh-cherz\

noun: a theory in old natural philosophy: the outward appearance of a body signals its special properties (as of magic or healing virtue) and there is a relationship between the outward qualities of a medicinal object and the diseases against which it is effective

If my doctrine of signatures lets you know any of my secrets, I hope you're convinced. Judge the book by the cover. That way you always end up with a surprise ending.



festoon \fess-TOON\

1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points 2 : a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain

Early on in my boxed-in office life, I made myself a festoon of paper hearts. They looked so promising then, a simple craft to garnish the light streaming in from the macadam lot beyond the broken plastic blinds. Now they get caught every time I try and shut out the day.
Hearts get in the way of everything.


we are made of stars

heliacal \hih-LYE-uh-kul\

adjective: relating to or near the sun — used especially of the last setting of a star before and its first rising after invisibility due to conjunction with the sun's rising and setting

I can't tell you which planets have helical risings; my understanding of the heavens is minimal and often limited to "look, it's Orion!" How fortunate I am to live with a dog that embodies the energies of the stars and brings them to me every morning.
Even if you're a pain in the ass to run with, O, I love you.



hark back \HAHRK-BAK\

1 : to turn back to an earlier topic or circumstance 2 : to go back to something as an origin or source

This will be the year that we will not hark back, but look forward and create more happiness than we think we will deserve. No fears, no hate, only honesty an purity.

Maybe this year everything will be ok.